WHAT: NGCP Scheduled Power Interruption
WHEN: October 15, 2023, Sunday
OUTAGE TIME: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
1. Shutdown request by Metering re:
Periodic Maintenance Testing of Revenue
Instrument Transformers at BATELEC 2
Padre Garcia and IEC Metering Points.
2. PM/ CM along the line.
3. Correction of multiple hotspots.
4. Re-sagging of Conductor at Pole no. 159 – 160.
5. Batelec 2 Hotspot correction
6. IEC Substation Preventive Maintenance
AFFECTED AREA(s): IEC Covered Areas
Power will be restored on or before the scheduled time without prior notice.
Hoping for your understanding for the inconvenience that may cause you.